Friday, August 24, 2012

Online Assessment

Everybody needs an IEP, especially me. But that's too hard, and we have no practical way to choose a program. But maybe we will: IBM Watson making progress to becoming a useful medical assistant for diagnosis and treatment planning
Given data on a new patient, Watson looks for information on those with similar symptoms, as well as the treatments that have been the most successful. The idea is it will give doctors a range of possible diagnoses and treatment options, each with an associated level of confidence. The result will be a system that its creators say can suggest nuanced treatment plans that take into account factors like drug interactions and a patient's medical history.
Let's try replacing "medical assistant" with "teaching assistant" and run that by again...

Will it work? Maybe. Will it be a waste of effort? Well, almost certainly in the first few times it's tried. Is it worth trying? I think so.

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